Netflix announced a new anime series set in the Castlevania universe in June, Castlevania: Nocturne. The upcoming series is a spin-off/sequel of the original animated series and will feature new protagonists as well as a new setting. Now, we have a preview of one of the protagonists of the new series, Maria Renard. Castlevania co-director Samuel Deats gave the series’ fans their first look at Maria Renard on Christmas day. Deats tweeted, “You were on Santa’s nice list this year, so here is a first look at Maria Renard from the upcoming Castlevania: Nocturne.”

— Samuel Deats 🌕 (@SamuelDeats) December 24, 2022 Fans are excited with Maria’s updated look for the upcoming Netflix series. The animation style for the new series is similar to the original Castlevania anime. Looking closer at the five-second clip, Maria can be seen wearing a green ribbon on her hair and she is wearing a pink dress. Her outfit seems to be based on her appearance in Rondo of Blood. Her dress in Symphony of the Night is mostly green. Fans have speculated that Maria may be around 15 to 18 years old in Castlevania: Nocturne based on the animation. Audiences are excited to see her beside Alucard in the upcoming anime. In the video games, Maria is a distant relative of the Belmont clan and she has the power to control the Four Symbols of Chinese Mythology. She also appears as a playable character in Symphony of the Night. The young vampire hunter Maria Renard will appear alongside Ritcher Belmont as the new protagonists of the animated series. Ritcher is a descendant of Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades from the original anime series. The younger Belmont was also the protagonist of Symphony of the Night. Castlevania: Nocturne will take place hundreds of years following the events of the original Castlevania anime series. If the upcoming series is based on the story of the video game series, then it is likely that we will see Alucard make an appearance. The story of Ritcher from the video game is closely tied to the immortal son of Dracula. Castlevania co-directors Samuel and Adam Deats will be returning to direct the upcoming spin-off series. Also returning to the series are Kevin Kolde as showrunner and Clive Bradley as writer. There is no official release date for the Castlevaina: Nocturne on Netflix. However, there are speculations that the anime will premiere around the summer of 2023.

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